; Script Name: Reaper's Necro Trainer
; Author: The Reaper
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5.186
; Purpose: Train necro for freeshards.
; Should work on OSI servers also.
; Set this value to 5 if you are eperiencing
; "Insufficient mana for this spell" Issues
set %setwait 5
; Set this value to your faster casting reduction
; 1FC = 2 2FC = 5 (2FC is necro cap)
set %fc 5
; DO NOT alter below this line
event Macro 8 2 ;open status bar
wait 20
set #contPosX 550
set #contPosY 550
set %skilltraining necro
chooseskill %skilltraining
set %startingskill #skill
set %currentskill #skill
gosub showmenu
if #skill < 300
display yesno Do you have a weapon equipped in your main hand?
if #dispRes = no
display ok Please equip a weapon in your main hand before restarting script
gosub Choosespell
gosub Cast
gosub Checkskill
gosub Checkmana
goto Loop
sub showmenu
menu clear
menu window title Necro Trainer
menu window size 180 95
menu window color black
menu font name arial
menu font size 12
menu font color Red
menu font bgcolor black
menu text title 5 5 NECRO TRAINER.
menu font size 8
menu font color lime
menu text mageryskill 5 25 Current skill:
menu text gains 5 40 Total gains:
menu text casting 5 55 Casting:
menu font color yellow
str len %currentskill
str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
menu delete currentskill
menu text currentskill 68 25 #strRes
set %totalgains %currentskill - %startingskill
str len %totalgains
str ins %totalgains #dot #strRes
menu delete totalgains
menu text totalgains 68 40 #strRes
menu font align right
menu text credit 176 80 by The Reaper
menu font align left
menu show
sub Choosespell
if #skill = #skillcap
display You have reached your Necromancy Skill cap of #skill
if #skill < 300
set %spell 104 ; Curse Weapon 0-30
set %manatocast 7
set %castdelay 10
set %masochistic blade
menu delete currentspell
menu text currentspell 68 55 Curse Weapon
if #skill < 500
set %spell 116 ; Wraith Form 30-50
set %manatocast 17
set %castdelay 40
set %masochistic 0
menu delete currentspell
menu text currentspell 68 55 Wraith Form
if %currentskill < 711
set %spell 106 ; Horrific Beast 50-71
set %manatocast 11
set %castdelay 40
set %masochistic 0
menu delete currentspell
menu text currentspell 68 55 Horrific Beast
if %currentskill > 809
while E in #charStatus
event macro 15 106
wait 1s
if %currentskill < 810
set %spell 115 ; Wither 71-81
set %manatocast 23
set %castdelay 15
set %masochistic 0
menu delete currentspell
menu text currentspell 68 55 Wither
if #skill < 1050
set %spell 107 ; Lich Form 81-105
set %manatocast 23
set %castdelay 40
set %masochistic 0
menu delete currentspell
menu text currentspell 68 55 Lich Form
if #skill < 1200
set %spell 113 ; Vampiric Embrace 105-120
set %manatocast 23
set %castdelay 40
set %masochistic 0
menu delete currentspell
menu text currentspell 68 55 Vampiric Embrace
sub Cast
event macro 15 %spell
if %masochistic = 1
target 2s
wait 5
event macro 23 0
if %masochistic = blade
wait %castdelay - %FCR
wait %castdelay - %FCR
wait 5
sub Checkskill
chooseskill %skilltraining
if #skill > %currentskill
set %currentskill #skill
str len %currentskill
str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
menu delete currentskill
menu text currentskill 68 25 #strRes
set %totalgains %currentskill - %startingskill
str len %totalgains
str ins %totalgains #dot #strRes
menu delete totalgains
menu text totalgains 68 40 #strRes
sub Checkmana
wait %setwait
if #mana < %manatocast
event macro 13 46
if #mana < #maxmana
goto loop2
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